office based physician
<→OFFICE-BASED physician>
office-based physician
: 診療所開業医{しんりょうじょ かいぎょうい}
work in a physician's office
: 診療室{しんりょうしつ}で働く
hospital based physician
hospital-based physician
: 病院{びょういん}に雇われている医師{いし}
increases in bp associated with the stress of physician office visits
: 医師{いし}を訪問{ほうもん}するというストレスに伴う血圧{けつあつ}の上昇{じょうしょう}
: physician n. 内科医; 医師. 【動詞+】 He had called his physician during the night. 夜のうちに医者を呼んだ A physician was called in. 医者に来てもらった consult a physician 医者に診察してもらう Contact your physi
increases in blood pressure associated with the stress of physician office visits
: 医師{いし}を訪問{ほうもん}するというストレスに伴う血圧{けつあつ}の上昇{じょうしょう}
office of faith-based and community initiatives
: {組織} : 《米》宗教的奉仕活動およびコミュニティ活性化プラン支援室◆【略】FBCI◆【URL】http://www.whitehouse.gov/government/fbci/
accomplished physician
: 熟練医師{じゅくれん いし}
allopathic physician
: 逆症療法専門医
army physician
: 軍医{ぐんい}
attending physician
: attending physician 主治医 しゅじい
cancer physician
: 癌専門医{がん せんもんい}
career as a physician
: 医師{いし}としての経歴{けいれき}
chest physician
: 呼吸器専門医{こきゅうき せんもんい}
"office atmosphere" 意味
"office audit" 意味
"office automation" 意味
"office automation equipment" 意味
"office automation system" 意味
"office bearer" 意味
"office binder" 意味
"office block" 意味
"office blood pressure" 意味
"office automation equipment" 意味
"office automation system" 意味
"office bearer" 意味
"office binder" 意味
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